Academic Forgiveness

Student Records & Registration

Academic Forgiveness

The Grade Forgiveness Procedure is designed to assist students who have previously attended Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and, during their enrollment, may have received a failing grade or grades. Current students may request grade forgiveness for courses that were completed at least 3 academic terms prior to the request.
To be eligible, a student must be a current Rowan-Cabarrus student who has recently completed at least 6 credit hours of college-level courses during one semester and must not have a prior balance owed to the College. Students must earn a “C” or better in those classes and earn a 2.0 semester GPA. Once achieved, the student must complete and submit the Application for Grade Forgiveness to the Office of the Registrar.

If the student is awarded Grade Forgiveness, all grades of “F,” “D,” and “W” that the student earned will be forgiven. Students may request forgiveness for Rowan-Cabarrus courses only and may be granted forgiveness only once during their academic career, regardless of subsequent enrollment, program changes, or other unanticipated events. Once granted forgiveness, it is irrevocable.

Grades forgiven will not be counted in the student’s GPA or attempted hours calculation, but they will appear on the official college transcript as forgiven. Forgiven grades will still be calculated into a student’s Standards of Academic Progress as represented in their SAP GPA and 67% course completion rate. Therefore, grade forgiveness will not improve or affect eligibility for financial aid such as Pell Grants or veterans’ benefits. Students who plan to transfer to another college or university should contact that institution’s Admission or Registrar’s Office to determine the impact that this may have on their transfer credit before they request forgiveness for those grades.